Pass the Ring is a childrens party game of passing, concealment and location (guessing). It is a game in which all the children are activly involved throughout.
Pass the Ring is very quick and simple to organise and easy to administer.
Pass the Ring is most suitable for children between the ages of four and ten years.
The children sit in a circle, holding a string onto which a ring is threaded. The string must be long enough to go all the way around the circle.
One child is selected to stand in the middle of the circle (IT). The other children hold onto the string. Each player's hands should be up against the player's hand on each side of him. The "It" player must close his eyes and count to 10, while the players shift the ring around the string. When "It" says, "Stop" He must try to guess which player has the ring concealed in his hand. If (IT) guesses correctly, that player is the new "It." If not, he must try again.
Related Activities
Other ideas for childrens parties;
Pass the Parcel 163, Paper Folding 449, Ten Pin Bowling 604, Weelie Wanging 638, Word Searching 642, Fold Over 973, Statues 977, Eye Spy 978, Hide and Seek 980, Pin the Tail on the Donkey 981, Greasy Pole 999,
Level of Demand
The table below shows the maximum levels of demand that this activity requires. NOTE: These are not entry levels or levels of requirement and has nothing to do with ability.
Energy |
Speech |
Learning |
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