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An Aerobie is a flying ring which is used much the same way as you would use a Frisbee in that it is thrown for recreational catches between two or more individuals.
Aerobies are fantastic fun for all the family. The Aerobie has taken over where the frisbee left off and can be thrown much further. Aerobies come in all shapes and sizes from 10 or 13 inches, round Aerboies to triangular Aerobies, in shape.
You need a nice wide open space for this activity. A park or a football field would be a good idea.
If you are old enough to be able to throw then you are old enough to throw an aerobie. People of all ages can take part even the family dog!
There are many different versions of the Aerobie. some are designed for beginners and some for the more experienced thrower. Make sure you pick one which is suited to your throwing ability.
The Aerobie differs from a frisbee in that it has a hollow middle whereas a frisbee is a solid disc. As an aerobie has a hollow middle, it is considerably lighter, and has better stability than a frisbee also. This means it has much less drag, and as it weighs less than a frisbee, it can easily be thrown over greater distances. The ring design of the Aerobie makes it much easier to catch by using an upward thrust of the arm.
Throwing Aerobies can be learnt by anyone and as there is only the need to have a lot of space and a throwing partner getting started is easy. The Aerobie is different in its flight pattern to a frisbee so slightly different throwing techniques and allowances need to be made when judging the flightpath and catching as the aerobie tends to float more.
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Aerobies are cheap and can be purchased for under £10, then all you need is a good open space.
Level of Demand
The table below shows the maximum levels of demand that this activity requires. NOTE: These are not entry levels or levels of requirement and has nothing to do with ability.
Energy |
Speech |
Learning |
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