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Charity work is a rewarding interest this involves raising money, bringing awareness, administration or working with the people the charity is run for.

Hugely popular in the UK, with people from all walks of life participating.

Charities are in the UK and throughout the world.

Young children can get involved in charity work with the supervision of a responsible adult and this is very character building and rewarding for them, there is no upper age limit.

Kindness, compassion, understanding and a willingness to help, a good sense of humour is also sometimes helpful, if wanting to work abroad you will need an up to date passport.

Charities have been established throughout the world for years bringing help and support in many ways to individuals, families and societies such as cancerresearchUK who receive no government funding and rely totally on donation for research purposes, to children's charities, help the aged and many more. Whichever area you choose to participate in charity work is a rewarding area of interest and an essential one if charities are going to survive and do they work they set out to do.

Your dedication is whatever you choose, whatever time you can spare and whatever talents you can provide. Charities are always grateful for help whatever time you can spare.

The potential to bring light into peoples lives and even work abroad, there are also employment opportunities within charities.

Closely Related Activities
Volunteer Work.

Voluntary Work
Charity work in its many guises is manned almost exclusivly by volunteers.

Your costs can start from as little as some of your spare time to if working abroad an air fare and insurances and money to live on, though some charities do provide accommodation and food.

Level of Demand
The table below shows the maximum levels of demand that this activity requires. NOTE: These are not entry levels or levels of requirement and has nothing to do with ability.

  The level of energy that could be required Energy  
  The level of demand that could be required by your arms Arms  
  The level of demand that could be required by your legs Legs  
  The level of demand that could be required by your sight. Sight  
  The level of demand that could be required by your hearing. Hearing  
  The level of demand that could be required by your speech. Speech  
  The level of demand of Cerebral Learning that could occur as a direct consequence of absorbing factual information. Learning  

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The Hobbies, Interests, Pastimes and Sports (herein HIPS) depicted on this website are performed by trained professionals in controlled conditions. These HIPS have inherent risks, and injuries, including disability and death could occur. Do not rely on this website as your only source of HIPS information or advice. Always follow manufacturers' and local rules and regulations. Do not attempt any of these activities without the proper supervision and safety equipment. The publisher, editor, and writers accept no responsibility for the information contained herein. Every effort has been made to present factual information. HIPS does not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of any information published herein and is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or for the consequences resulting from the use of such information. By requesting the display of any of these pages, you agree to this policy. For more information please visit our Terms and Conditions of Use.

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